I understand for the need for clarity in the wr room but i have to say this team is built different than many . The real # 2 is a TE and the 2 Rbs very well may be in the top 5 in overall targets this year.

The 2 RB 2 TE offense has the talent to stretch and power the offense without pulling a player.

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For sure but I imagine they're still going to run with 5 WRs and you still need guys to step if either of Stb and Jamo miss time.

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More time will be spent on that 5th WR while the value will be who the 4th TE should be.

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A lot of talk about WR3 or "X", I guess Kalif is WR4. So do the lions keep the loser of the WR3 battle as 5 or is there another WR that stands out? I know Williams is gaining some hype.

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Slimming down is actually easier than most people think ... Eat only whole foods. Eliminate sugar entirely besides that in low sugar fruit. Avoid carbs or go very light on them. Stay away from seed oils. Diet, exercise and sleep are paramount... I'm 49 and had a similar health scare to Barry and I've quit alcohol and eat clean and workout routinely and I've lost 25 lbs in 8 months and put on a lot of muscle strength not so much size... Get after it now Justin - Killer Kowalski was too young and died of bad diet and poor excercise and sleep from my guess.

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