I noticed Rodriguez played quite a bit on defense. Has he worked his way back into the rotation?

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Will be interesting to see how the Lions defend Mayfield, Evans, and Godwin next Sunday. Bucs looked very good yesterday, another tough test for the D.

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Did we double Kupp at all during the second half. From watching at home, it didn’t look like it

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Lions and Rams both must have been gassed going into OT. You could feel our OL and RB Montgomery reach down and take the game away in the OT period. Magnificent display of True Grit.

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My personal opinion-I'm not a big fan of lengthy game recaps. It seems like an awful lot of work to detail a game I just watched. I'm here for the insights that only a pro sports writer can give. Thanks and I love the DFN!

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I put it into sections you can consume how you see fit. I was able to translate my note taking into a workable format that allowed me to post within two minutes of the final whistle, making it an ultra-efficient post to carry me through all the postgame work I have to do.

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I loved it.

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Preface: I've always been an unabashed Stafford fan, much to the chagrin of many friends. However, it's hard not to watch a game like tonight where he throws the pick at the end of the half and think "...this is the type of play that happened when he was here."

That OT drive was surgical and suffocating. Watching Cupp and Stafford's life force leave them, incapable of doing anything about it, was amazing.

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I think the NFL OT rules (reg season) are lame, but tonight I was grateful for it!

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Playing the same two team we played in the playoffs in the same order is pretty rough tbh

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Proud of Bates coming through clutch after sketchy preseason and camp kicking. Any miss totally changes that game, so seeing him succeed when it matters is a good feeling.

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That was a very good and very well coached team we just beat. Might see them again in the playoffs, wouldn’t be surprised.

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that was my exact thought... disciplined and a great quarterback.

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