Class was Dan Campbell response to the Classless comment...

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Seriously. I would be te.pted to point fingers back (as I've done in at least one post somewhere). DC's response exudes classiness.

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Back 7 had a good day in coverage. Dan is effectively acknowledging that it’s not realistic to expect that every game. Even if not stars, Holmes absolutely has to make a trade, maybe even two, to acquire some level of proven pass rush.

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I saw that Campbell made a playful gesture towards you when you asked about the field fake punt. That got me thinking. Have you ever had a coach get angry or blow up at you? Matt Patricia criticizing Dave Birkett's posture comes to mind, of course. If that has happened. What do you do, or how does that make you feel? Does your pulse quicken a little bit? I'm not suggesting you'd be scared or anything, but do you feel a little bit of an adrenaline rush?

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*Rothstein's posture.

And maybe not angry, but certainly annoyed. More with Caldwell and Patricia, for sure.

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My bad. I remember Campbell getting annoyed with Birkett after the Dallas game last season. But Campbell’s so polite, he wouldn't even allow himself to let that sit before he sort of apologized. At least, that how I took it.

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Only game I've missed in my career. Caught the flu, got wiped out. Anything interesting happen in that one?

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21 hrs agoLiked by Justin Rogers

I remember hearing something about an eligible receiver. But it's never come up since, so maybe it wasn't that important.

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Poor, poor Dallas. They have been in how many Super Bowls verses the number the Lions have been in? Dallas played crappy and Detroit played a whole lot less crappier. Pour it to them boys. If Campbell wants to run up the score, so be it. I doubt he'd be complaining if the shoe was on the other foot. Dallas has been the protected patsy for the league for way to long...'bout time someone kicked their butts for a change. Thank you, Detroit Lions!

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Love that the pundits, present company excluded, are starting to point out how well JG is playing, and he is, but it's great to see DC basically saying that's the bar we've set with him...

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